From the phones in our pockets to the tablets and computers in our backpacks, growing up in the “age of technology” is a double-edged sword. Using the Internet is a daily activity for students, but most don’t stop to think about what happens to the information that’s gathered about them when they go online.
Students encounter bookstore problems
Holiday shopping continues to evolve
The holiday season is rapidly approaching, and, for the second year in a row, it is going to be occurring during the pandemic. For many that means holiday shopping has already begun. With online shopping already having become a mainstay in our world, people have the ease of being able to find the perfect gift with just a few clicks.
Welty Gala Returns to Campus
Social Organizations recruit new members
For many years, social clubs and fraternities have been an important part of college life at Mississippi University for Women. This past year has proven to be a difficult year for many of these clubs due to the nature of the pandemic. However, they are now determined to come back even bigger and better this year while still maintaining all social distancing protocols.
Cromwell students, faculty temporarily scattered across campus
Fall Semester Stress
Students, faculty and staff have been through a lot since Spring 2020. There were hopes that this semester would be back to normal — and there are a lot more face-to-face classes and social activities this Fall — but safety precautions are continuing because of the spread of the Delta variant of the COVID-19 virus.
Study abroad provides immersion into learning
The time a young adult spends in college is often called one of the most influential and important stretches of his/her life. New information and the excitement of beginning to stretch out their wings apart from their parents’ watchful presence creates within young adults a fast-and-furious independence that only grows with each passing year they spend at their institutions of choice.