Blaine Garrard paints The Full Moon Fang in preparation for another dance party. Photo by Team Halloweenz
Will Stennett
News Editor
The Princess Theater will hold its annual Halloween dance party Saturday, Oct. 19. This year the theme is comic books, or as their slogan says “Captain Halloween saves the Dance Hall of Justice from the Full Moon Fang.” The dance show will be produced by GTR Productions and will boast a roster of seven DJ’s. I caught up with the creative director and DJ Blaine Garrard a.k.a. Garranimo.
Q: So how long have you been preparing for the show?
A: Well, we’ve been preparing for about a month and a half, now.
Q: So what have you been doing in that month and a half?
A: Usually, we begin by discussing the year’s theme. We look at the past shows’ theme, and discuss how those have turned out. We pride ourselves on being ahead of the curve in what will become trendy. Like, a couple years back we did the “Last chance, Zombie Dance.” That was before ‘The Walking Dead’ and complete zombie craze broke out, not that zombies haven’t been big in the past. This year, we chose comic books. We have had a super hero themed dance party before when the Hooded Deer was first happening. We wanted to do that again, but pit that as heroes versus villains. From the theme, we usually begin building set design.
Q: Speaking of set design, you have had some pretty spectacular sets in the past. Like, you have had a 20-foot basketball goal. Are you going to do something like that this year?
A: Yea, we are going do a 24-by-24 foot comic book. That’s each page being 12-by-12 feet with six panels on each page.
Q: Whoa, that sounds great. I’m guessing that is what you do for most of that preparatory month.
A: Yea, we build and paint the set, but there are only so many things you can do before the week of the show. I mean, we are going to have to wait until this week to actually screw each panel in. That’s because we are going to have to do that inside of the Princess. Also, there are other things to consider, like lighting and our sound system. Lighting is a huge part of the show. Also the sound system will act as our set pieces as well.
Q: So, what is your set going to be like this year?
A: I’m going stick with what I usually do, which is what I call Gypsy Step and Metal Electro. The Gypsy Step will be more plausible this year being that now we have the Full Moon Fang as a character. You know, in the movie The Wolf Man, when an old Gypsy lady curses the man turning him into a werewolf. I’ll be able to interweave that throughout my set.
You can answer Team Halloweenz’s signal for help Saturday, Oct. 19. Presale tickets are $8 and tickets at the door will be $10. In case you miss it, more coverage will be in The Spectator’s print edition Oct. 25.