Nick Adams Photo by Whitney Williams
Whitney Williams
Nick Adams didn’t expect to make his future at Mississippi University for Women. He actually became an MUW student by chance, but returned to his alma mater to serve as Mississippi University for Women's graphic design specialist.
Q: What was your major at Mississippi University for Women?
A: “My major was graphic design.”
Q: What made you choose MUW?
A: “I was a transfer student. Originally, I had planned on attending another university in Mississippi, but I was never too thrilled about the location or the distance from home. It just so happened that by chance I visited MUW with two friends from the community college I was attending. We took the tour and as the day went on I started to have the feeling that it was the place that I should be. So, by the end, we were sitting in the admissions office and I just said, ‘Sign me up!’”
Q: What internships did you have?
A: “Two days after I graduated in May of 2007, I started working in layout at the Commercial Dispatch. It wasn’t easy, but I feel like I learned a lot about myself and what I was capable of.”
Q: How have you been able to use your classes from MUW in the "real world?”
A: “I think that the courses I took at MUW gave me a solid foundation. It’s just the nature of graphic design work that changes all the time. Technology changes, methods may change, media definitely changes, but in the end I could always think back to my classes and build upwards.”
Q: What were your favorite classes here at MUW?
A: “It may be really nerdy of me to admit, but I really enjoyed 20th Century Art courses with Dr. Joyce. I wasn’t an art history minor or anything, I just really love art from the 20th century and I did really well, academically speaking. Also, I really loved my illustration and watercolor courses because I was able to learn mediums that I had never tried before.
Q: What is some advice you can offer to current and future students at MUW?
A: “Put forth the effort and push yourself. Don’t be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone. Enjoy your time while you’re here, and don’t forget those who who helped you along the way.”