Treasure hunt

Velvet Case


The Student Government Association launched a Virtual Treasure Hunt on Thursday, Sept. 12, to encourage participation in the student election.

Any student with access to an Apple or Android device had the ability to download the “Oohlala” student app:

All a student had to do was create a profile, and he or she instantly had a way to participate in this competitive game.

Not only did students play the game virtually, but they also had to participate physically.

“I was running around campus trying to catch it [the treasure],” said Ciara Peoples, a mathematics major.

A student could have the treasure at one moment, and then have it stolen by someone else the next moment.

The game began at 8 a.m. on Thursday and ended Friday at 11 a.m.

Music, cupcakes and punch aided in celebration of the Treasure Hunt winner. Even students who did not participate were welcome to enjoy the sweet treats.

The winner was announced at the campus gazebo at noon after the game ended on Friday. Malory Marlin won the hunt and received a $100 gift card to Barnes & Noble.

About 30 to 40 students actively played the game, even though many more downloaded the “Oohlala” app.

This interactive game itself did not encourage as much voter participation as the SGA would have hoped, but it did help spread the word about what the SGA does.

“From what I heard, students really enjoyed it, but it was very competitive. One girl said, ‘I had it [the treasure] at 2 a.m., but then someone took it from me by 3 a.m.’ You have to be on your toes at all times,” said Bre’Ana Marshall, an elementary education major.

Last year was the first time that the Virtual Treasure Hunt was played. The SGA has plans to continue improving the “Oohlala” app by possibly adding more games or events and by working to connect the app directly to Twitter. These modifications are projected to increase student excitement and participation in using MUW’s own app.