Whitney Williams
Within the Department of University Relations there are many impressive people. One person in particular is an alumnus of Mississippi University for Women.
Anika Perkins’ name happens to be one that resonates throughout the offices on campus. After receiving her degree from MUW, Perkins decided to return to her alma mater to pursue her career in public relations. If there is information that needs to reach the public, faculty and students, she is the person to contact. Perkins was asked about her experience as a student at MUW.
Q. What was your major at Mississippi University for Women?
A. It was journalism with an emphasis in public relations.
Q. What made you choose MUW?
A. Initially, I chose The W because of my major at the time, which was nursing. Eventually I decided that nursing was not the best career choice for me. After talking with friends who were already in the communication program, I decided to meet with faculty in that department. The rest is history.
Q. How have you been able to use your classes from MUW in the “real world?”
A. Absolutely! Everything I’ve learned in class, I’ve been able to apply as a journalist and now as a public relations professional.
Q. What is some advice you can offer to current and future students at MUW?
A. Work hard. Be positive!
Also, there is a lot of writing involved in public relations, so hone your skills. Be flexible and open to all opportunities.