Sen. Roger Wicker encourages excellence in education during campus visit

Alexandra Woolbright


Mississippi University for Women is known for its academic excellence. This is a sentiment the Roger F. Wicker Center for Creative Learning, located on the fourth floor of the education building, strives to accomplish and implement every day.

With an array of programs benefitting the community, it’s no wonder Sen. Roger Wicker, whom the building is named after, along with MUW President Dr. Jim Borsig, visited and praised the accomplishments of the center last week.

“This group does well with everything they do,” said Borsig.

Established in 2004, the Center for Creative Learning provides programs designed to build and support communities. By providing innovation in learning, service and research, it has been accomplishing this mission. As part of its goals for the past nine years the center has supported advancement in the community — both economically and socially — developed and executed programs for positive change and provided local educators and community members with opportunities for growth professionally, with services that benefit pre-K through 12th grade students, parents and teachers.

The center has created and implemented several programs to target an array of needs for people of all ages and education levels.

“Our focus is to extend a bridge to the community. We focus on learning from life to death,” said center director Dr. Kate Brown.

Sen. Wicker’s mother and sister both are members of the Long Blue Line, so it comes as no surprise that he supports and promotes MUW’s efforts to create educational opportunities in the community.

The senator praised the efforts of the center and its positive encouragement of education, a value he believes is vital to success in today’s society.

“Education is the key to grabbing the American dream, and it comes easier for some than for others, but it’s available universally in this country, and we need to keep it that way,” said Wicker.

Though educational opportunities are provided, Wicker did express concerns about college graduates because of the economy.

“I’m concerned about our economy. I think coming off of the meltdown of 2008 we should be in a much more robust recovery, and so I am concerned that some of the bigger federal programs have amounted to a weight on the economy,” said Wicker.

“So, we have the phenomenon that we didn’t have a decade ago of hundreds of thousands of young people moving back in with mom and dad. I am not at all satisfied with the economic climate we have permeated for college grads,” he added.

Regardless of the economy, Wicker believes success first comes for students by taking their education seriously.

“My advice for students who still have a little time is to make that resume mean something; make that transcript mean something. Just be mindful that, you know, two decades from now, somebody might still want to look at your transcript. It’s the gift that keeps on giving,” said Wicker.

Most importantly, Wicker believes by staying focused and working hard, graduates can accomplish their dream jobs.

“I think for young college graduates with determination and drive, there’s going to be openings. You might have to take a side step, but once an employer sees a work product and a work ethic, there’s always going to be an opening to advance,” said Wicker.