Velvet Case
Religion Editor
Being thankful is something that everyone is reminded of during this time of the year.
Thankfulness means many things to many people.
"Thankfulness means truly appreciating what God has blessed us with," said Elissa Troise-Greco, a general business major. "As Americans, we are so fortunate to have the daily luxuries must of us don't think twice about. I try to remember how lucky I am to have been shown such love and good fortune."
It does not take long to pause and think on things for which to be thankful.
The holiday season is upon us and that means more traffic, more visiting relatives, more decorations and more people in line at Walmart.
It is a well-known fact that people can become easily distracted by the things happening around them. Sometimes the holiday focus shifts from something special to something stressful.
Having to make extra pies and green bean casserole can be quite a feat when unexpected relatives show up for Thanksgiving dinner.
Pressure arises when new in-laws come expecting their daughter-in-law to prepare the perfect Thanksgiving turkey.
However, many families are still able to keep their focus on the real reason for Thanksgiving Day.
When the pilgrims came to this new land and survived their first harsh winter, they were exceedingly thankful that God had sustained them. The Native Americans taught them how to hunt, fish and grow corn.
In 1621 the pilgrims celebrated the first Thanksgiving. They enjoyed the bountiful harvest, their Native American friends and the new land in which they were now living.
The pilgrims had much for which to be thankful.
An official day of giving thanks was established in 1941 when President Roosevelt signed a resolution establishing the fourth Thursday in November to be the Federal Thanksgiving Day holiday.
Since that time families have gathered to indulge in a delicious turkey and other holiday foods as they observe Thanksgiving Day. Some families will take turns sharing something for which they are thankful as they sit around the dinner table.
Today, people have many things for which they are thankful, just like the pilgrims.
Some people use social media to post one thing for which they are thankful every day in November leading up to Thanksgiving Day.
"It keeps people remembering the reason for the season," said Christa Ferguson, a psychology major, when asked if she participates in sharing her thankfulness on social media.
Although learning how to plant corn like the native Americans may not be one of the top items on one's thankful list this year, there are still many things for which people, including students at the W, are thankful.
"I am most thankful for my parents," said April Harris, an elementary education major. "Without their love and support, I wouldn't been able to keep pushing for better."
Some students are thankful for the men and women who serve in the military to protect the country. Others are thankful for having food, clothes and a place to live.
Being thankful not only shows gratitude but also demonstrates that one is thinking of others.
Rather than getting caught up in the hustle and bustle of holiday cooking and shopping, everyone should take a little time to remember the first Thanksgiving and think of all the things in their own lives that mean so much.