Daysha Humphrey
The Center for Academic Excellence, located in Reneau Hall, is considering a new method for students who are in need of tutoring. They will be using Google Hangouts, which is a video collaboration tool that allows registered users to have real-time communication. It allows for different activities such as viewing others on a webcam, sharing YouTube videos, writing on Microsoft Word, etc. It works on computers as well as Android and Apple devices.
For the past years, MUW has been providing students with free tutoring sessions. It helps students to understand more and lets them communicate with students who are more advanced in those subjects. However, some tutors and students may not have a way to meet with each other on campus, especially students who commute. Therefore, the idea of online tutoring could possibly be a way for every student to get the help that they need.
Carol Frazier, the Center for Academic Excellence coordinator, and Rick Frazier, who is the Instructional Technologist at the Office of Academic Affairs, are working together to make sure that this method is successful.
“It’s a way for the tutor and student to react at a schedule time for tutoring session,” said Frazier.
Biology 2, economics and accounting are the only three online sections that they are providing online at first.
“If this is successful, plans are to add other courses in the later semester,” she added.
There is no set date when the online tutoring will be offered, however, it is in preparation. Students who are interested in tutoring should go to the Center for Academic Excellence website on the MUW page and apply online, or, stop by Reneau Hall on the first floor. If there are questions, contact Carol Frazier at (662) 329-7138.