Man on the Street: Summer Plans

Jessica Cooper


 As the end of the semester approaches, many students are gearing up for summer break. Although some students will be graduating this semester and will have to enter the “real world,” they still look forward to the warmer weather and sunshine that summertime promises. Here are some of the responses that MUW students gave me when I asked the question, “What are your plans for the summer?”

 “Summer school,” said Bronte Norah, a senior elementary education major.

 “Summer school and a job,” said Akeria Watson, a junior public health major.

 “I’m starting graduate school. I’m a junior. I got in a year early,” said Caitlyn Bosarge, a junior occupational therapy major.

 “Hopefully, I’ll find a job,” said LeMarcus Cistrunk, a sophomore nursing major.

 “Well, a lot of relaxing,” said Elizabeth Varvel, a sophomore creative writing major

 “I’m taking summer classes, so that will be my summer,” said Jessica Palmer,a junior English major.

 “I plan to continue working towards my degree and squeeze in a beach vacation,” said Megan Griggs, a sophomore kinesiology major with a pre-physical therapy concentration.

 “I plan to work this summer and go see my great-grandmother for her 90th birthday,” said Tiffany Medley, a senior nursing major.

This particular group seems to have a major focus on school for summer break. Hopefully these hard working students can still manage to fit in a little relaxation time into their busy schedules. Have a great summer, and good luck to the graduating class of 2014!