Reagan Graham
Campus Editor
Before fall classes even started, students were already informed of the social club and Greek life organizations available on campus. There is always a lot of hype to go through recruitment and to get involved on campus. But for some students, there are a lot of questions about the recruitment process.
Recruitment is a four-day event, usually ranging from a Friday through the following Monday.
On Friday, students will be divided into groups with their recruitment counselors and will attend several “display parties.” This is where students will meet all of the clubs, learn a little bit about their history and meet all of the members. Parties usually last about 30 to 45 minutes each.
Once these parties are over, they will meet with their recruitment counselors the following Saturday morning to see what clubs have invited them back for their philanthropy party that day. They will have to narrow it down to five clubs at this point. It may be difficult, but philanthropy day is fun and full of crafts and picture taking.
Students will spend that Saturday attending the clubs’ philanthropy parties and learning more about what the clubs stand for, their goals and what they strive to achieve as a sisterhood.
Again, they will meet with their recruitment counselors on Sunday morning to narrow it down to their top three favorite clubs. Sunday is the day they put on their best dresses and heels and head to “pref parties.” The student’s top three favorite clubs will pull all the stops and will throw a huge party in their honor. A lot of food, music and getting to know each other better are incorporated into these parties.
After a day of catering, students will meet with their counselors one last time on Sunday night to “pref” their top three clubs, one being their first pick, two being their second and so on. This can be a very nerve-wrecking time since they will have just attended all of these parties full of girls who want them to join their club.
Then, on Monday is bid day! This is an exciting day, and the students will find out that afternoon which social clubs will offer them a bid to join their sisterhood.
Students in clubs state there are many benefits to joining a social club on campus when someone is a freshman or a junior transfer. Being a part of a sisterhood always ensures a study buddy, someone to go on road trips with you, or even a friend who will sit in a dorm and watch movies with you on a Saturday night.
If anyone is interested in joining a social club, apply at and the deadline is Sept. 4.