Staff Spotlight: Tyler Wheat

Robert Scott


Tyler Wheat is the communication specialist for Mississippi University for Women. He works for University Relations in the Welcome Center. Wheat performs many duties each day that are crucial to the university. These duties include writing press releases, managing the school’s social media accounts and writing articles for the alumni magazine, “Visions.” He attended the University of Alabama, where he studied Public Relations.

Q: What made you choose the communication field?

A: “I enjoyed that every day is different, and that communication is such a broad field.”


Q: Why did you decide to work at the W?

A: “It is a small university, and it has a very personal feeling, which I thought was interesting.”


Q: What advice do you have for people, particularly students, who want to follow a career path like yours?

A: “Make your own opportunity. Jobs in the communication field are not always readily available in your area, but you can find a nonprofit and volunteer because they will let you get your experience and build your resume.”


Q: What is a good way to get your foot in the door of the employment world by volunteering or shadowing with someone?

A: “Do it for free. Offer your services because you will learn a lot, and you will gain wisdom.”