Student uses food, classmates to conduct Honors research

Jessica McHenry


A culinary arts student hosted a three-night event on campus in Shattuck Hall to bring awareness to the importance and ease of breakfast.

“Who doesn’t love breakfast, right?” said Kimberly Heath, senior in Culinary Arts. “It’s the most important meal of the day!”

Heath is an Honors student and used this event to conduct her research.

“What I’m trying to contribute is pinpointing which parts of a cooking skills program are most effective when working with college students,” said Heath. “Because they are kind of a hard-to-reach crowd.”

“It kind of put it into perspective how easy it actually is to do it,” said Walker Winter, a first-year student and English major.

With the help of Culinary Arts instructor Chef Mary Helen Hawkins, Heath and two other assistants prepared breakfast sandwiches for the audience.

“Cooking for yourself is very simple,” said Heath.

Volunteers from the audience were brought to the front to help demonstrate how easy it is to make oatmeal in a dorm or apartment with little to no kitchen aid. This was particularly helpful for Winter.

“I like to see something done, like, ‘Hey, she can do that, I can do that,’” said Winter.

Heath encouraged everyone to create new combinations with the nuts, granola or dried fruits available for their oatmeal sample.

At the end of the event, Heath handed out a survey. Participants received gift bags with pre-packaged blueberry oatmeal for completing the survey.

Heath will present her research at the undergraduate research symposium on May 4 at 6 p.m. in Nissan Auditorium.