MUW ranked high in several categories, MUW Photo
Zac Carlisle
Copy Editor
Mississippi University for Women was recently named one of the best colleges to work by a national academic publication. This recognition came after a survey was used to determine how well the faculty enjoyed being a part of the W. The survey was carried out by The Chronicle of Higher Education, which is located in Washington, D.C.
The survey was taken all across the country at 300 institutions. More than 46,000 administrators and faculty members were surveyed. As a result, only 97 institutions were given the honor of being named “Great Colleges to Work For.”
“I was one of the people who took the survey, and I remember being glad I was asked. All of my answers were positive. That was the easiest survey I've ever taken,” said Bridget Pieschel, a professor of English and the director of the university’s Center for Women’s Research and Public Policy.
MUW employees rated the university high on several categories: Collaborative Governance, Professional/Career Development Programs, Teaching Environment, Job Satisfaction, Confidence in Senior Leadership, Supervisor/Department Chair Relationship, Respect, Appreciation, Tenure Clarity and Process.
Because the university ranked high among all categories, it was also given the recognition of being name to the 2013 Honor Roll. Only 42 institutions across the country were given such an honor.
“It makes me proud that the rest of the nation realizes that we have a gem here in Mississippi,” Pieschel said.
MUW President Jim Borsig said the results of the survey were because of the outstanding spirit the faculty and staff show.
Mississippi featured four educational institutions that were given the honor of “Best Places to Work For.” Along with the W, Mississippi State University, University of Mississippi and Belhaven University were all given the recognition. Mississippi was one of three states to feature four recognized universities. Only five other states had more.
“It is a personal and professional pleasure to work at a place which values individual opinions and has a climate of caring. ‘We are a family’ is not a cliché here. We are small enough that W employees can come to know each other well, regardless of our individual job descriptions. That connection goes beyond the grounds, office or the classroom. We believe that what we do counts a great deal. We love the W, and we love W students,” Pieschel said.