Tara Baucom
Question: What do you think about the W Alert system?
"I guess it's a good idea. It makes sense. I don't have any preference for it." -Louis Codling, senior, Theater Education
"I think it works fine. It's great for keeping track of anything that is going on on campus, as well as anything that needs to be getting out right now." -Ryder Williams, junior, Psychology
"I don't know. I think it's helpful. There's some, like I've gotten some that have come a few minutes too late. Like, I'd rather know earlier. Overall, I think it's a good idea. I mean it helps students keep more prepared." -Alyssa Gilbert, first year, Nursing
"I think it's good. I mean, it's good to know, especially because I have night classes a lot. I don't get out until like 8, and I'm all the way here in this building on the backside of campus. So it's pretty cool to know if anything is going on." -Emily Floyd, graduate, Speech-Language Pathology