Tara Baucom
Q: How do you prepare for final exams?
“You just use your time wisely. Plan. Go to the library. Most of the time, they have extended hours in McDevitt and the library so you have places to study and peace and quiet. Ask teachers and your tutors for extra help.” – Laquavia Evins, senior, Culinary Arts
“Don’t procrastinate!” – Antionette Lloyd, senior, Kinesiology
“Study everything.” – James Jordan, junior, Nursing
“Get off by yourself. Go to the library.” – Kelvin Cockrell, first year, Communication
“Sit in your room and look over everything. Repeat everything. Write it.” – Kyia King, first year, Music Therapy
I only have one finals test this year. I guess if I did have finals, what I would do is I look at all the information for the thing and basically just like, write it down the second time, because that’s how I like, memorize stuff is by writing it down.” – Thomas Kennedy, first year, Graphic Design
“Oh goodness. Well, I’m an Art Department student, Graphic Design, so preparing for finals, I mean, we start weeks ahead of time. I mean, we’re already preparing. A lot of studying, a lot of – let’s see… what classes are we taking right now? Well, our classes are kind of different. Usually, with our classes, we will be doing a lot of research right now. But due to the projects I’m doing since I’m a senior, we more like, already have the stuff we need, and all the information we already know. We just like, go ahead and start our projects but our projects, I mean, for finals, we’re two weeks ahead of time.” – Morgan Jetton, senior, Graphic Design
What do YOU do to prepare for finals? Let us know in the comments or on social media with #SpectatorSoundOff!