"1917", unique and intense war movie

John Alex Nunnery

Entertainment Editor

War has always been a popular focus for cinema. One can see this popularity from Stanley Kubrick’s 1987 film “Full Metal Jacket” to more recently Christopher Nolan’s Oscar-nominated “Dunkirk”. These movies are vastly different from each other and yet they encapsulate the same messages: War, loss, heartache and teeth-grinding intensity.

The most recent to join in the ranks of heavily acclaimed war movies is “1917”. Directed by Sam Mendes, known mostly for his work on the “007” franchise, “1917” was released on Christmas Day in the United States to commercial success.

The film focuses on two British Soldiers in World War I, Lance Cpl. William Schofield (George McKay) and Lance Cpl. Tom Blake (Dean-Charles Chapman) who are given orders to stop an attack on German forces before sunrise or else thousands of British soldiers will die in a trap. This premise forces the characters into intense and death-defying situations hoping to get to the commanding officer on time.

While to some this may seem to be just another stereotypical war movie, “1917” has one major leg up against its predecessors. That is the film appears to be shot in only two takes. The movie starts you off following the two corporals and from that moment on you never leave them.

Through the power of movie magic, determination, and some very clever editing, the film’s cuts look almost seamless. You have to be looking at every frame excruciatingly closely to even notice one of the scarce cuts found throughout this film. This was accomplished by doing a series of long shots in which the camera would record for around 10 minutes before cutting when the characters were out of view on a still shot.

“1917’s” unique method of shooting and expert use of film as a storytelling medium has garnered it critical acclaim. It has won several prestigious awards including “Best Motion Picture-Drama” and “Best Director” at the Golden Globes. It has also been nominated for Oscars in 10 categories for the upcoming Academy Awards.

“1917” is a unique and intense war movie that has awards and a unique perspective to make for an incredible viewing experience. It is spectacularly shot and wears the heart and soul of all who worked on it on its sleeve. If you are a fan of cinema this film will offer you an experience you will never forget.